Some information to give you peace of mind in these trying times.

1. Limit the number of visitors
Only have visitors who you must see. This also applies to animals.
2. Wear mask and gloves
Wear a mask and gloves when you have contact with an infected person.
3. Dispose of gloves and mask after use
Take off the gloves first and clean your hands with soap and water before taking off your mask.
4. Be careful when touching waste
When emptying wastebaskets, take care to not touch used tissues with your hands. Wash hands thoroughly afterwards.
5. Clean
Clean items such as toilets, sink tap handles, doorknobs and bedside tables on a daily basis.
6. Avoid sharing household items
Do not share dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, bedding or other items with the person in isolation.
7. Wash your hands often
Wash your hands with soap and water after each contact with the infected person.
8. Wash laundry thoroughly
There is no need to separate the laundry, but you should wear gloves when handling. Wash hands with thoroughly afterward
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