Vancouver is studying five options for emergency dwellings for homeless people
Homelessness has become a looming issue across the country. Vancouver city staff is looking into 5 possible option of eleviating the stress tent cities are putting on local communities. Some solutions are creating a “temporary tiny house villages” and low-income RV parks as part of its temporary disaster relief shelter framework.
Council added these two options recently to three other possible options.These options were to lease or buy housing units, including hotels and single-room occupancy hotels, establish a temporary emergency relief camp on vacant public or private land and to temporarily convert city-owned buildings into emergency housing.
City staff have until Oct. 2 to report back to council on all the options.
The homeless crisis has worsened due to COVID-19, and is most obvious in Strathcona Park where at least 300 tents have been put up.
Many residents across the city have noticed increases in homelessness in their neighbourhoods, which in turn is adding to the stress of COVID-19.
People who are homeless need to have options for change.
Seattle has eight city-funded “tiny house villages” that have opened in the past three years in response to that city’s homeless crisis.
One of those villages — Second Chance — evolved from un-permitted squat, to a sanctioned tent city, to a city-funded tiny house village.
Hopefully, one of these five options will be viable and can be used by other communities across Canada to help deal with the rising homeless issue.
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